Let Your Emotions Out
Start to let your emotions out and say what is really on your mind with our subliminal messaging mp3s.

- Do you bottle up your emotions?
- Do you keep your feelings to yourself?
- Do you try to appear "strong"?
- Do you not want to burden your friends and family?
- Are you tired of being "walked all over"?
If you keep your feelings bottled up your friends and family won't even get to know the real you, they won't know when you are upset or that you need any help. They may feel that you are getting along fine and keep behaving in a way that upsets you and not saying anything will only make the matter worse - you may feel like you are being used or taken advantage of, but if you never tell them it will never stop.
Our album will help you to release your emotions in a controlled way. Instead of "exploding" and causing trouble you will:
- Feel free to discuss your feelings and emotions whether good or bad.
- Be able to tell your friends and family what you are really thinking / feeling.
- Get to know people much better and let people get to know you.
- Get in touch and become the "real you" - the person that you have been scared to let out all this time.
- Become more assertive - if something troubles you or upsets you, then you will voice your opinion.
- Always speak up for yourself.
- Never let people "walk all over you" again.
Download our free app for iPhone/iPad today and listen immediately after your purchase- just search the App Store for Real Subliminal.
Let your emotions out and become comfortable with yourself and with your feelings. Start to say what is on your mind and increase the quality of your life with our life changing subliminal mp3 album.
Script Used in Let Your Emotions Out Subliminal Recording
- I naturally speak my mind
- I always let my emotions out
- It is natural for me to let my emotions out
- I always say what I am thinking
- I always say what I am feeling
- I say what's on my mind
- I always tell others what I think of them
- I let my feelings be known at all times
- I share myself with my friends and family
- I share all my issues, thoughts and feelings
- Emotions are meant to be shared
- I show the real me at all times
- I show the real me to all my friends, family and loved ones
- People expect me to say what's on my mind
- I am assertive with my thoughts and wishes
- I always voice my opinion
- I always stand up for myself