Arachnophobia - Fear of Spiders Cure
Get over your fear of spiders (aka arachnophobia) and enjoy your life to the full with our subliminal mp3 album!

- Do you suffer from an excessive, unreasonable desire to avoid spiders?
- Does your fear go beyond the real threat of danger; but it is simply automatic - it completely takes over your thoughts and you can not stay calm?
- Does even the mention of spiders make you nervous and on edge?
- Are you going on holiday or traveling to a country which has spiders and you're anxious about seeing one?
- Is your phobia of spiders stopping you from traveling around, doing things you really want to do and generally leading a full and fear free life?
If you can relate to any of the above self-test questions then you probably suffer to some degree from a fear of spiders.
However, the "fact" that you are afraid of spiders is only in your mind. Your mind is controlling you and creating real physical results in the form of your irrational fear of spiders. The good news is that you can take back the control and ultimately reprogram the way your mind works. Our subliminal mp3 album works directly with your unconscious mind - the root source of your fear - to get rid of your phobia of spiders forever!
In this specific overcoming your phobia of spiders mp3 album we use powerful cognitive behavioral therapy - this works by helping you to recognize your negative thought patterns and change them into positive ones which means that you won't be scared of spiders forever.
Disclaimer: This album is a simple tool to help you. It does not guarantee the eradication of your fear, it simply sends simple subliminal messages into your mind to help you, to help give you the best possible chance of overcoming your fear. This album should not be used instead of professional, in-person help and you should consult your doctor/therapist before listening.
Download our free app for iPhone/iPad today and listen immediately after your purchase- just search the App Store for Real Subliminal.
Do not let your irrational fear of spiders control your life any longer! Change your life with our powerful subliminal mp3s and live free to travel and enjoy any activity without any of the anxiety and fear which is currently holding you back!
Script Used in Arachnophobia Cure Subliminal Recording
- I like spiders
- I can cure my fear of spiders
- I will cure my fear of spiders
- I will overcome my fear of spiders
- I am in full control of my fear of spiders
- I am calm around spiders
- I feel safe around spiders
- I stay calm at the thought of spiders
- When seeing a spider, I stay in control
- I am calm when I see a spider
- I am free from my fear of spiders
- I lead a full and fear free life